Video sermoni, predicazioni, pensieri

Evolution Vs. God - Movie

Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:

• Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
• Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC
• PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris
• Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteria—all under the microscope of the Scientific Method—observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your faith shaken.

Vive ed è qui!

Se egli infatti è stato crocifisso per la sua debolezza, ora però vive per la potenza di Dio, perché anche noi siamo deboli in lui, ma vivremo con lui per la potenza di Dio verso di voi 2CO 13:4


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