Da IlariaLab
No non sono impazzita…
Dovete sapere che… in Brasile alcuni
Cristiani Evangelici vogliono bandire l’uso di dispositivi USB perchè il
simbolo rappresenterebbe il marchio del demonio!
Invece sempre secondo questi ultimi, la
connettività Bluetooth è “il bene” perchè di colore blu… lo stesso
colore degli occhi di Gesu Cristo.
Dall’articolo originale:
The evangelical cult “Paz do Senhor Amado” (“Peace of the beloved Lord”) in the interior of Brazil forbids its followers to use any USB technology by contending that it uses a symbol that shows sympathy for the devil.
According to its founder, the “Apostle” Welder Saldanha says that this is just another symbol of Satan, which is always present in all Christian homes.
“The symbol of that name (a name which he doesn’t even like to pronounce) is a trident, which is used to torture souls that go to hell. Use only a symbol of those shows that all users of that vile technology are actually worshipers of Satan” – explains the” Apostle”.
Measures were taken so that all the USB connections of his followers were exchanged for common connections and even the Bluetooth (sic), which according to Saldanha Welder is permitted, for “Blue was the color of the eyes of our savior Jesus Christ”.
Altro che tridente… il simbolo sui dispositivi USB dovrebbe rappresentare (correggetemi se sbaglio) la velocità e l’universalità del bus, grazie al quale con un solo tipo di spina si possono connettere al computer tipi di periferiche anche molto diverse tra loro.
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